Glory to Jesus Christ!
A few announcements for Sunday, 5 January 2025, Forefeast of the Theophany of Jesus Christ:
During the Liturgy there will be a special Children’s Sermon.
Following the Liturgy we will serve the Great Blessing of the Water for the Feast of Theophany. Everyone is encouraged to bring a container to take some blessed water for home use.
In conclusion, we will pray the 40 day Panikhyda for +Kyle Czumak, followed up by a luncheon for the parish provided by the Czumak family.
All are welcome!
When Thou, O Lord, wast baptized in the Jordan, / the worship of the Trinity was made manifest. / For the voice of the Father bore witness to Thee, / and called Thee His beloved Son; / and the Spirit in the form of a dove / confirmed the truthfulness of His word. / O Christ our God, Who hast revealed Thyself / and hast enlightened the world, glory to Thee!
— Troparion for the Feast of the Theophany