After the Divine Liturgy this morning, several sets of new vestments were blessed for use among among our altar servers. Just in time for Nativity services! A big thank you to Alex and Lia K. for getting this project underway!

After the Divine Liturgy this morning, several sets of new vestments were blessed for use among among our altar servers. Just in time for Nativity services! A big thank you to Alex and Lia K. for getting this project underway!
Please join us for Vespers at 6:00PM on Saturday, December 15, followed with a talk on ancient Marian texts in the Orthodox Church with author and friend of our parish Frederica Mathewes-Green.
Following Vespers, Frederica will be giving a talk on two ancient texts discussed in her book Mary as the Early Christians Knew Her: the Mother of Jesus in Three Ancient Texts (Paraclete Press, 2007). The first text is the oldest known prayer to the Theotokos, the short prayer “Under your compassion…”. The second text is the Akathist Hymn, written by the deacon and hymnographer St. Romanos the Melodist (+556).
This talk is in part a continuation of themes developed last year during the Advent season when Frederica spoke to us about the Entrance of the Theotokos into the Temple as recorded in the Protoevangelium of James.
Light refreshments will be available. All are welcomed!
A big thank you to several of our youth group members for recapping the book Keeper of the Light: Saint Macrina the Elder, Grandmother of Saints after the Liturgy this past Sunday. Our youth group read the book over the previous month as part of their book club. Thanks also to the Seeley’s for leading as well as hosting this important ministry!
As always, please continue to keep our youth group, the other youth of our church, and all youth everywhere in your prayers.
Please join us in welcoming the newest member of the body of Christ, the newly illumined Alanna Bach. Congratulations to parents parents Alex and Christella and big sister Chloe!
Please see the exciting note below from Fr. Gregory concerning our first Divine Liturgy in our new church home:
Glory to Jesus Christ!
By the grace of God, and for His glory, as well as by the faith and hard work of many, we will be celebrating our first Divine Liturgy in our new Church building (528 North Hickory Avenue, Bel Air, MD 21014) this Sunday, October 9, 2016, at 9:30am!
On behalf of the parish, I want to extend heartfelt gratitude to all of those who have worked and prayed so hard, for so long, for this time to come, as well as those whose generous donations helped make all of this possible. I look forward to worshiping with you all, in our new Church!
Take care, and may God bless you.
With love in Christ,
Fr. Gregory
Four Evangelists Orthodox Church received some local press this morning with a nice write-up in the Baltimore Sun and Harford County’s Aegis. A Sun reporter met with Fr. Gregory yesterday to ask questions about our parish, building project, and upcoming move. You can read the Baltimore Sun article here.