Glory to Jesus Christ!
The Dormition Fast is nearly upon us! Occurring from August 1 – 14, and concluding with the Feast of the Dormition of the Mother of God on August 15, the Dormition Fast is one of the four main fasting seasons of the church. This season is a wonderful opportunity to draw near to the Lord and to turn away from ourselves. Far from being a means to judge others, to create a sense of self-righteousness, or an opportunity to merely “follow the rules”, fasting is an opportunity to be made in the image of Christ. It is a tool for holiness with the help of God. As St. Symeon the New Theologian (+1022) writes:
For fasting, and vigils, and sleeping on the floor, and prostrations, and praying, and every other suffering of evil is nothing without Divine grace.
The First-Created Man (St. Herman of Alaska Brotherhood, 1979)
On August 6th, during the middle of the Dormition Fast, is the Feast of the Transfiguration of Our Lord. Please join us on Monday, August 5th, at 7PM as we celebrate the Vigil for the Feast.

Concluding the Dormition Fast on August 15 is the Feast of the Dormition of the Mother of God. Please join us on Wednesday, August 14, at 7PM as we celebrate the Vigil for the Feast of the Dormition.