Glory to Jesus Christ!
Dear Friends,
We are once again collecting basic school essentials for the IOCC (International Orthodox Christian Charities) School Kits. The following items are needed for each kit:
- 1 pair of blunt metal scissors (rounded tip)
- 3 70-page spiral-bound notebooks. No loose-leaf pages.
- 30 centimeter (12 inch) ruler
- 1 handheld pencil sharpener
- 6 pencils with erasers. Please do not buy pencils that have been sharpened.
- 1 large 2 1/2″ eraser
- 1 box of 24 crayons
We will collect items through August 31st and assemble them September 1st and 8th. They may be put in the plastic box in the hall by the bathrooms.
Thank you for participating in this collection, which helps children around the world!
For more information, please see kit coordinator Peggy Mukai.