Glory to Jesus Christ!
Members, friends, and family,
Please join us this coming Sunday morning, 15 December 2024, as catechumens Lee Ann and Steven are received into the Orthodox Church. The Service for the Chrismation of Converts into the Orthodox Faith will begin at 8:30am in the narthex of the church.
Please continue to pray for Lee Ann and Steven, as well as catechumens Caleb, Ruscha, and family, and all catechumens here and elsewhere.
O Lord our God, who dwellest in the heavens, and lookest down upon all thy works, look down upon thy servants, the catechumens, who have bowed their necks before thee, and grant them a light yoke. Make them honorable members of thy holy Church, and vouchsafe unto them the laver of regeneration, the forgiveness of sins, and the robe of incorruption, unto the knowledge of thee, our true God.
— Prayer for Catechumens, Liturgy of St. Basil the Great