Glory to Jesus Christ!
To our family, friends, and neighbors who are celebrating the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ today, 31 March, we wish you a blessed Easter!

The Orthodox Church, which arrives at a different date for Pascha (Easter), will celebrate the Great and Holy Feast with much joy this year on 05 May 2024.
Regarding the time difference:
“Although the Orthodox Church and the Western Churches both continue to follow the formula of [the Council of ] Nicaea for the determination of Pascha/Easter, the differences in their respective dates of celebration stem largely from the use of different calendars (Julian vs. Gregorian) and different methods of scientific calculation so as to ascertain the vernal equinox and the vernal full moon”. — from the article Some Common Misperceptions about the Date of Pascha/Easter by Prof. John Fotopoulos.
Next year, 2025, the Great Feast of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ (Pascha/Easter) will be celebrated on the common date of 20 April.