Glory to Jesus Christ!
Calling all pet owners! Please bring your pets –leashed or crated– to be blessed during our Pet Blessing service in the church yard on Saturday, 12 October 2024, at 5pm. Regular Saturday Vespers will follow. All are welcome!
Glory to Jesus Christ!
Calling all pet owners! Please bring your pets –leashed or crated– to be blessed during our Pet Blessing service in the church yard on Saturday, 12 October 2024, at 5pm. Regular Saturday Vespers will follow. All are welcome!
Glory to Jesus Christ!
A blessed Feast of the Protection (Pokrova) of Our Most Holy Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary to all!
Today the faithful celebrate the feast with joy, illumined by thy coming, O Mother of God. Beholding thy pure image, we fervently cry to thee: Encompass us beneath the precious veil of thy protection; deliver us from every form of evil by entreating Christ, thy Son and our God, that he may save our souls.
— Troparion for the Feast of the Protection of the Morher of God
Glory to Jesus Christ!
On Sunday, 06 October 2024, at 8:30am, Fr. Gregory will perform the Proskomedia (offering, oblation) service as a “teaching service” in the nave of the church and will explain the what happens and the why it happens of this important service.
Proskomedia is a service of preparation of the bread and wine (the gifts) to be offered in the Divine Liturgy and is normally performed in the sanctuary (altar area behind the iconostasis).
Don’t miss this wonderful learning opportunity!
Glory to Jesus Christ!
Members, family, friends, and neighbors of Four Evangelists Orthodox Church,
This is a reminder that following the Divine Liturgy tomorrow, Sunday, 22 September, we will move to the church yard for a picnic of food, fun, and fellowship.
We have the food basics covered, but if you would like to bring a dish (not required!) please feel free to do so. Not sure what to bring? Email Lia Krowzow at who is coordinating food dishes.
Please join us. All are welcome! More details will be forthcoming …
Glory to Jesus Christ!
Members, family, friends, and neighbors of Four Evangelists Orthodox Church,
Mark you calendars! You are invited to our annual church picnic. Following the Divine Liturgy on Sunday, 22 September, we will move to the church yard for a picnic of food, fun, and fellowship.
Also of note: the following Thursday, 26 September, is our parish’s patronal feast day, commemorating the Holy Apostle and Evangelist St. John the Theologian. (There is no collective commemoration for the Four Holy Evangelists, so 26 September was chosen, falling as it does near the end of summer).
Please join us. All are welcome! More details will be forthcoming …
Glory to Jesus Christ!
A blessed Feast of the Universal Exaltation of the Precious and Life-Giving Cross!
O Lord, save Your people, / and bless Your inheritance. / Grant victories to the Orthodox Christians / over their adversaries. / And by virtue of Your Cross, / preserve Your habitation.
Troparion for the Feast of the Holy Cross
As You were voluntarily raised upon the cross for our sake, / grant mercy to those who are called by Your Name, O Christ God; / make all Orthodox Christians glad by Your power, / granting them victories over their adversaries, / by bestowing on them the Invincible trophy, Your weapon of Peace.
Kontakion for the Feast of the Holy Cross