Glory to Jesus Christ!
This coming Sunday, 16 March 2025, is the 2nd Sunday of Great Lent and the Sunday of St. Gregory Palamas.
Often called the “second triumph of Orthodoxy”, the Church remembers St. Gregory on this day because of his clear explanation and defense of the Orthodox Faith. St. Gregory taught that we cannot experience God through education, philosophy, intellectual discussion and debates. God is a person with whom we are to be in a relationship, not a topic to be discussed or facts to memorize. He taught that God desires us to know Him, to experience Him, to share His life, to become one with Him.1

The readings for this Sunday are:
- Hebrews 7.26–8.2 (Epistle – St. Gregory Palamas)
- John 10.9–16 (Gospel – St. Gregory Palamas)
- Hebrews 1.10–2.3 (Epistle)
- Mark 2.1–12 (Gospel)
Upcoming services during Great Lent:
- Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts on Wednesday, 12 March, at 6 PM followed by light, Lenten potluck dinner
- Vespers for the Second Sunday in Lent on Saturday, 15 March, at 6 PM
- Divine Liturgy of St. Basil the Great on Sunday, 16 March, at 9 AM (with Prayers of the Hours beginning at 8:45 AM)
Access our full Lent, Passion Week, and Pascha calendar here.
Come out on Sunday, 16 March 2025, at 3pm, to hear a concert to support peace in Ukraine, featuring our own Dr. Andrew Nowakowski.
St. Matthew Lutheran Church, 1200 E. Churchville Rd., Bel Air, Maryland 21014
Admission is FREE. Details below.