Glory to Jesus Christ!
Please note that we have scheduled Friday, September 17 (6 pm to 9 pm) and Saturday, September 18 (10 am to 2 pm) as Parish Work Days – no experience is needed, as the skills needed are limited. This is in anticipation of our re-establishing Coffee Hour after Liturgy in the coming weeks, with the (cautious) relaxation of some of the pandemic restrictions. The tasks that need to be accomplished are mostly due to the new kitchen renovations/construction, and the lack of recent use, and include things such as installing handles on the new kitchen cabinets, bringing supplies up from the basement, filling and organizing the kitchen cabinets, general cleaning, etc. … there are things that can be done by people of all ages and physical abilities, so please make an effort to come out and participate.
Please contact Alex Krowzow via home phone (410-420-0498) or email ( and let him know of your availability (please note that this is a new email for Alex).
Thanks! I look forward to seeing you, and worshiping with you, soon! Take care, and have a good evening.
With love in Christ,