Glory to Jesus Christ! As we continue through Passion Week, please join us for the following services:
+ Wednesday, April 28 ▪ Great & Holy Wednesday ▪ 7 PM Service of Holy Unction
+ Thursday, April 29 ▪ Great & Holy Thursday ▪ 7 PM Passion Gospels Service
+ Friday, April 30 ▪ Great & Holy Friday ▪ 2 PM Vespers of the Cross; 7 PM Jerusalem Matins w/ Procession
+ Saturday, May 01 ▪ Great & Holy Saturday ▪ 10 AM Vesperal Liturgy of St. Basil the Great; 11:30 PM Midnight Office
+ Sunday, May 02 ▪ Great & Holy Pascha ▪ 12 AM Paschal Matins, Paschal Divine Liturgy, Blessing of Baskets, Agape Feast
See! The Bridegroom sets forth in the dead of night. And blessed is that servant whom he shall find on watch; unworthy the one he shall come upon lazing. See to it, soul, that sleep does not overtake you, lest you be given up to death and be shut out of the kingdom. Bestir yourself, then, and sing out: “Holy, holy, holy are You, our God; by the power of Your Cross, save us.”.
Apolytikion of Holy Wednesday
Apolytikion of Holy Wednesday