This coming Sunday, March 7, is the Sunday of the Last Judgment. It is also the 3rd of the pre-Lenten Sundays and perhaps more commonly known as Meatfare Sunday or simply Meatfare. This Sunday marks the last day of eating meat or meat products until the celebration of our Lord’s resurrection on Pascha.
The Gospel reading for the Sunday of the Last Judgement is Matthew 25:31-46. Building on the theme of repentance found in the previous two Sundays (Publican and the Pharisee, Prodigal Son), we are reminded that:
1 Orthodox Church in America, Sunday of the Last Judgement
See also the podcast on the Sunday of the Last Judgement by the late Fr. Thomas Hopko on Ancient Faith Radio.
An important note about Meatfare and fasting from the Lenten Triodion:
True fasting is to put away all evil,
To control the tongue, to forbear from anger,
To abstain from lust, slander, falsehood and perjury.
If we renounce these things, then is our fasting true and acceptable to God.2
2 Sung on Monday of the first week of Lent.
Let us keep the Fast not only by refraining from food,
But by becoming strangers to all the bodily passions.
That we who are enslaved to the tyranny of the flesh…3
3 Sung on Tuesday of the first week of Lent.
May God grant this!