To our parish friends and family,
Christ is Risen! Indeed He is Risen! It won’t be long until we can greet each other with this joyous phrase. We are sending a Pascha (Easter) card to the friends and families of our parish, bringing greetings of the upcoming glorious Pascha. We humbly ask you for your monetary support, by adding your own name or to remember the name of someone departed, on our Pascha card. Our card will also contain a schedule of our Pascha services along with a greeting letter from Father Gregory.
If you wish to have your name included on our card, please complete the form attached, return both the form and your donation to any parish board member, or mail it to Four Evangelists Orthodox Church, P. O. Box 971 Bel Air, Maryland 21014, no later than April 5, 2020. Be sure to include a check made out to Four Evangelists Orthodox Church or cash. All proceeds will benefit our parish.
Thank you and may God Bless your generosity.