“Of old, the river Jordan / turned back before Elisha’s mantle at Elijah’s ascension. / The waters were parted in two / and the waterway became a dry path. / This is truly a symbol of baptism / by which we pass through this mortal life. / Christ has appeared in the Jordan to sanctify the waters”!
Troparion for the Eve of the Theophany of our Lord
Please join us Sunday, January 5th, at 9:30am, as we celebrate the Divine Liturgy on the Eve of the Theophany of our Lord, concluding with the Great Blessing of the Waters (prescribed by the rubrics of the Church for both the eve of the feast and Theophany itself).
Please also bring a container to return home with some blessed water for your personal use.
And as always, all are welcome and invited to come a pray with us!