Having completed the forty days that bring profit to our soul, we beseech You in Your love for man: Grant us also to behold the Holy Week of Your Passion, that in it we may glorify Your mighty acts and Your ineffable dispensation for our sakes, singing with one mind: O Lord, glory to You.
Aposticha, Friday Matins in the 6th week of Great Lent
Glory to Jesus Christ! We have made our way through Great Lent and now with Lazarus Saturday / Palm Sunday behind us, we find ourselves in Holy Week.
Please join us for the following services as we seek to enter into the Passion of Our Lord and then into the joy of His glorious Resurrection. All are welcome!
Great & Holy Wednesday, April 24
7PM Service of Holy Unction
Great & Holy Thursday, April 25
7PM Passion Gospels Service
Great & Holy Friday April 26
2PM Vespers of the Cross
7PM Jerusalem Matins w/ Procession
Great & Holy Saturday, April 27
10AM Vesperal Liturgy of St. Basil the Great
11:30PM Midnight Office (Rush Service)
Great & Holy Pascha, April 28
12AM Procession and Paschal Matins, Festal Divine Liturgy, Blessing of Pascha Baskets, Agape Feast